Jueqel Musings

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Writing Science Fiction

What reasons do you have for writing and what ultimate purposes are there in the writing?

I enjoy writing and the creation of a story. If one person enjoys what I have written, then I'm pretty much set. Many times, that's just me. I have found that in the past I write science fiction for me.

Lately I've found others that write for the sake of getting published, or at least that is their ultimate goal. Lectures from serious writers have caused me to stop and think about getting to the point of publishing my work. I often feel as though I should not associate with serious writers, because I may be cramping their style.

People write for many reasons. I'll find my own reasons, and if you'd like to join me along the way, then great. If you're here to lecture me on how you'd like me to write, buzz off. And don't patronize me with gentle words. If you're out to make a buck or make a name for yourself, fine. Just don't expect me to cooperate.


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