Jueqel Musings

Friday, July 08, 2005

Bulletin Boards

After using phpBB for a couple of months, I find that there is a lot of work that goes into learning how to apply Mods. In fact, there seems to be too much time devoted to learning Mods and worrying about which ones to apply. I like phpBB for what it does, but it doesn't have the default things that I think boards require more of in these times.

A calendar (or calendars) is must with a full featured recurring event schedule with opt in event reminder and optional email notifications. A feature that allows members to RSVP for events. The ability to link a forum or a topic to a particular event. An easy chat, if not a default, then an easy plug-in for chat rooms.

None of these things are offered by phpBB. Oh, there are Mods that do the job, but most Mods are not compatable with each other. Even when you are willing to devote time or a person to maintaining the bulletin board, it's a real pain. Later this month, I think I'll be switching to a commercial product. vBulletin looks ideal.


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