Jueqel Musings

Monday, December 24, 2007

Thief in the family

We had no idea it was this bad. We were lied to on so many levels.

We were lead to believe that they would take care of the bills while we got caught up with things. We discovered bills were behind, and we helped them get the water bill caught up. Then we ended up paying for what was far behind on their electricity bill.

We were lead to believe that Amanda and Gabe were freeloading on them, when it was the thief that put them in a bad place to begin with.

We were lead to believe that Ramona was the victim of selfish in-laws, when it was Ramona that was in denial about the thief and how dangerous he was/is.

We were lead to believe that the food that Amanda and Gabe had not shared was simply a selfish act, when it was the thief that put them in that situation, while Ramona and Pancho did nothing.

I just thought it was a simple misunderstanding. I was so wrong. Ramona forbade Gabe from revealing the whole truth about the thief. She did it on purpose. She has been manipulating others to cover up for the thief. What is it that she is so ashamed of that she is willing to destroy her whole family for a single rotten son?

The thief would steal money from his niece. Jewelry, CD's, DVD's, and other valuables from any family member. He would do it quickly and without notice. Stepping away from your room for only a minute is long enough for the thief to slip in and take whatever he wanted. He would steal food, whole family packs of food, in the night. Not to eat for himself, but to barter with for whatever he does as night.

Three of the thief's brothers tried to stop the thief, but Ramona intervened every time.
Pancho was no better, as he had given up on his son. He would not punish his son. His son would steal, and when one of the brothers brought it up, Pancho would laugh.

The house was always filthy. The thief dirtied the dishes and the kitchen and wouldn't clean up after himself. The toilet seat was left crusty with spots and the smears of an unclean man. The used toilet paper was placed in bags and in the trashcan, instead of being flushed. It smelled disgusting.

At one point I paid the thief to clean up after himself. How sad was that? He did a half-crap job of the cleaning.

Now, I want nothing to do with the thief or Ramona or Pancho. They are not welcome where ever I live. The are a poison to themselves and the family they are destroying.

If they keep this up, and every family member will turn on them. Soon, they will have no family left to turn to. The thief has obviously been paying them back for something they did to him. The thief has been a vengeful and evil. I think the thief is out to destroy his mother and father.


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