Jueqel Musings

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


My partner left for work, but came right back and let me know that there may be a raid on one of our neighbors houses. I'm not sure what's going on, but the police are congregating down the street. They have bullet proof vests and they seem to be preparing for something. I don't know which house their watching. I have never been involved in one of these, and I didn't think it could happen on this block.

This has been a surprise. I am so curious now. I hope it is not those nice people on the corner. That would be very odd. I also could be a hostage situation. Maybe I'll turn on the news.

I may or may not keep you updated.

Silver Cord RPG update

I've read through the D6 system and have come to the conclusion that much of that gaming system is compatible with my game. So, instead of changing Silver Cord to D6, I've modified the system to use a single six sided die. As it's stands now, I believe I could use either the Fudge Dice or the single d6 die. I may do the same with a 20 sided.

I think I will call my system Plus 6.

One of the things I have learned from other systems is the psionics system must be simple. So, I have taken out the suggested Fudge way of doing psionics and applied more of a d20/d6 way of utilizing psionics. Instead of a Talent's Strength and a Talent's Skill as separate abilities, I have combined them into one value, Talent Rank.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Blue Rose: The Roleplaying Game of Romantic Fantasy from Green Ronin Publishing

Blue Rose: The Roleplaying Game of Romantic Fantasy from Green Ronin Publishing: "The Roleplaying Game of Romantic Fantasy"

What a fantastic fantasy world. Using D20 dice for everything. A Damage Save instead of Hit Points. Magic that doesn't require spell components. It's not about the dungeon crawl, but how you get there.

This book has so much to offer fans of fantasy novels. You can play a human, or one of the intelligent animals known as Rydans, be it a cat, a horse, a dolphin, and others. Psychic powers are built into the fabric of this game world. Even the magic is essentially Will-Magic.

I can't wait to play. My group is trying to convince one of our players to GM this one.

This book is available in print and as a PDF. I now have both!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Geek senses

There is such a thing as gaydar. I know, because I have it. When my gaydar goes off, I sense the latency in men, and even sometimes women. It happens so often that I begin to wonder why some people have a problem with gays. What's funny is that I know a straight man that has gaydar. He doesn't realize that's what it is, but he's pretty good at picking up on the signals.

Another sense that kind of works along those lines is the Geek-dar. I don't know what else to call it. Geek-dar goes off for many folks, and some steer away, and others drive closer. It's the strangest thing. Most people can tell a social misfit from 50 paces, but what about the closeted misfits?

I think Geekdar is the ability to sense the degree of social incompatibility that people have. It's a judging mechanism. It's attempts to keep us safe from undesirable company. When we've been burned, we build up these walls that help protect us against certain types of social attacks. It has a rather odd affect on me, I think. I end up wanting to get to know the social misfits, but there are so many and they are not compatible with each other. I'd never have the time to spend with them all. I have a life too. I think socializing with social misfits help to bring them closer to compatibility with others, but in the process I might be marginalizing myself from the (GASP!) socially acceptable.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Lawful Good is Evil

It should go without saying that those that are holier than everyone else are good as a fault, which frequently causes them to be the most evil of all character classes. On top of that, they get to pretend they are good people, gaining all the perks that go along with it.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Arena for Vesh

Looks like we got our new 1st level characters into something big. We just got these fantastic magic items that grant our characters unbelievable abilities far beyond what we should have. This indicates that our adventure will be fast paced, and we will level quite often. DnD 3.5 Faerun modified setting. Dealing with goblins and whatnot. Kevin is running this game, and it promises to be quite the adventure.