Jueqel Musings

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Science Fiction Fantasy Writers Unite!

Link to Science Fiction / Fantasy Writers

Of course, if we were to all unite, that would be a problem. I'm afraid a unity of science fiction fantasy writers would cause too much repetition. Then again, maybe repetition is good. It gets story out there, and then someone rises above the rest. Rebels and resistance to the status quo will always be there to help us out of rut.

If you are a writer of any level, and you enjoy the fantasies of life and light or the lasers and star drives, whatever the case may be, join a writers group and connect with people. Do it once, twice, or forever. The experience you get from mingling with other writers is learning experience. Enjoy it or hate it. It will be good regardless.

I'm going to publish my first novel online. I'll finish editing it and post it. You may critique if you like, but it was for me that I wrote it. Well, my target audience may have been my partner in life, Carlos. Then my secondary target was for my friends. The gay community was the third and the atheist community was the fourth target audience. Everyone else is tied for fifth place.

Writing That Novel

After writing my novel in November, I found it difficult to write anything else. It was as if all the energy I had poured into writing 50,000 words drained me of the ability to write. I slowly recovered and have since started writing again.

When people ask me what my book is about, I have a hard time summarizing it. I think I get so wrapped up in some of the characters that I forget what the over arching story really means. I'm too caught up in the details.

The novel is about a man that discovers he is not human, and with the help of some powerful psychic organizations, he takes on a psychic that would drain the world of life to raise children of his own.

Roleplayers Hooking up

Roleplayers Meetup

Roleplayers around the world get together to talk about gaming. I had not realized that at the regular Meetups that actual games were being played. So, for the first time in the history of Dallas-Plano Roleplayers Meetup, we will be gaming. We'll have one shot games and from there I'll ask if we need to have a regular game twice or more a month.

The tea/coffee shop we have been meeting at is really nice. Infinitea of Coit and Cambell in Richardson / Dallas, TX has been very open to our presence. I just hope we're bringing enough business to them to keep them open.

Max, the owner, has been receptive and even has suggested we come up with brochures to place in his shop.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Writing Science Fiction

What reasons do you have for writing and what ultimate purposes are there in the writing?

I enjoy writing and the creation of a story. If one person enjoys what I have written, then I'm pretty much set. Many times, that's just me. I have found that in the past I write science fiction for me.

Lately I've found others that write for the sake of getting published, or at least that is their ultimate goal. Lectures from serious writers have caused me to stop and think about getting to the point of publishing my work. I often feel as though I should not associate with serious writers, because I may be cramping their style.

People write for many reasons. I'll find my own reasons, and if you'd like to join me along the way, then great. If you're here to lecture me on how you'd like me to write, buzz off. And don't patronize me with gentle words. If you're out to make a buck or make a name for yourself, fine. Just don't expect me to cooperate.