Jueqel Musings

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Stop Gerrymandering

We can stop the trouble gerrymandering causes. In the U.S., do you realize that your vote doesn't count in an election? You are districted into an area that guarantees an incumbent will win based on how you were tagged as most likely to vote. That's why there are only a few seats nationwide that are ever at stake during an election. They already know who's going to win. That's also why no 3rd party will ever be a contender.

Solution? If you are in a Republican's district, vote Republican in the Primary. The next election will tag you as a Republican. If you are in a Democrat's district, vote Democrat in the Primary. The next election will tag you as a Democrat.

Nay, nay, you say? Your vote doesn't count anyway. You might as well take advantage of their assumptions about you.

Why? Because it will throw their numbers off for redistricting come next election and keep them from pigeonholing you to steal your vote. You'll also have your vote count toward who will actually win the election.

David Brin's Gerrymandering

Everyone should do this come the 2008 election year. This needs to be fixed, because everyone's vote should count.