PURE FANTASY (A Dragons and Dark Places on the Fly Production)
Place each of the following numbers in the ability of your choosing. (2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6)
STR = Melee Combat Damage (DC STR+Accuracy for damage)
DEX = Dodging Combat Damage (AC, Accuracy for damage)
CON = Health and Damage Resistance (Roll to resist Damage)
INT = Skills and knowing (Skill points, DC INT+Nature for Force Spells)
WIS = Perception and advise (DC WIS + Life/Death For Undead or Healing)
CHA = Charms and such (DC CHA+Mind For Charms)
Pick a class - Each class has its special TRAITS listed next to the class.
Barbarian – Warping, Combat, Combat, Fortitude
Bard – Mind, Skill, Reflex, Will
Cleric - Life and Death, Fortitude, Will
Druid - Nature and Warping, Fortitude, Will
Fighter - Combat and Combat and Combat, Fortitude
Monk - Combat, fortitude, Reflex, Will (DnD stickler include Warp, but only half)
Paladin - Life and Death and Combat, Fortitude
Ranger - Nature and Combat, Fortitude, Reflex
Rogue - Skill and Skill and Combat, Reflex
Sorcerer - Magic and Magic and Combat, Will
Wizard - Magic and Magic and Knowledge, Will
Psion - Magic and Nature and ...
Seer - Knowledge, Will
Shaper - Weapons, Will
Kineticist - Nature, Will
Egoist - Warping, Will
Nomad - Moving, Will
Telepath - Mind, Will
Psychic Warrior - Combat and Warping and Nature, Fortitude
Soulknife - Combat and Warping, Reflex, Will
Wilder - Magic and Warping and Combat, will
Pick a race – Each race has qualities, but this is on the fly gaming. If you want to adjust your Ability scores based on race, go ahead. 1 for 1. If you want darkvision or some other nice attribute based on race, subtract 1 from an Ability score. Elf (dex-str), Dwarf (con-cha), Half-Orc (str-cha), etc. These extra attributes should not be necessary in short games.
Warping is to control, change, or enhance yourself (Rage for Barbarian, Unarmed Strike for Monk, Druid shapeshift.) Apply a temporary +2 to Hit or to Damage or skill before you attempt - based on the nature of warping being used.
Combat is fighting ability +2
Mind is charming and controlling people (+2 to Magic charms and illusions, pick 4 charm spells)
Knowledge is skills of knowing and finding and recognizing (+3 to Knowledge Skills - Spread out Int to spend on Knowledge Skills)
Nature is using the environment (+2 to Magic involving forces, pick 2 spells of force)
Life is healing the living and turning the dead (+2 to healing magic and +2 to turning Dead)
Death is hurting the living and controlling the dead (+2 to harming magic and +2 to controlling the undead)
Skill is the skills of doing many things that can be done better than all else (+2 to all doing skills - Picking locks, Disarming Traps, etc.)
Magic is violating the laws of psychics (+2 to all Nature, Mind, and Warping magic -Pick 3 spells)
Moving is going faster and further than all else (Pick 4 Movement Spells, teleport, fly, swim, run)
Fortitude is used whenever faced with a challenge to your physical condition, health, poison, etc. CON +3
Reflex is used whenever you have to react quickly to a situation, area attacks, traps, catch on fire, green dragon breath, etc. DEX +3
Will is used to resist mental effects from Mind attacks. WIS +3
Skill List (Every Skill is a 0, pick one to be a 1, and one to be a 2, and spend the rest with INT points)
Decipher Script
Disable Device
Escape Artist
Gather Information
Handle Animal
Move Silently
Open Locks
Sense Motive
Slight of Hand
Use Magic Device
Use Rope
Weapons – All melee weapons do the same damage, which is equal to STR + Accuracy. All ranged weapons do Accuracy damage.
Accuracy is the difference between the To Hit Roll and the AC. The more on target the more damage results. If the To Hit makes the AC exactly (difference of 0), it's a miss.
Damage Resistance – Roll CON vs. DC Damage, if it succeeds take -1 to CON as damage and this is your new CON. If the save fails, take -2 to CON as damage and this is your new CON. Next time it will be harder to resist the damage. (Yes, you could kill a wizard that has only 2 CON to start with!)
Scale is 0 – 7 for Abilities
Unmoving Target - +1
Easy Task Target - +0
Moving Target – +2 or more
Opposed Target – AC
Combat Actions
1) TO HIT - Roll 4dF, add to Combat, subtract AC, if the result is positive then it is a hit, and the positive result is considered Accuracy Damage. Add the Accuracy Damage to STR if it's melee. The result is used to determine Damage.
2) DETERMINE DAMAGE - Roll 4dF add to CON, subtract Damage, if the result is negative then subtract 1 from CON, otherwise subtract 2 from CON
Casting Spells – you can cast spells equal to the number of spells you have. Pick appropriate spells for your class, level is unimportant. Damaging Spells always cause 2 Damage if the save fails and 1 Damage if the save succeeds.
Charm Spells succeed or fail
Mind Spells succeed or fail
Life and Death Spells succeed or fail